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If you have already signed our petition please tell us on our social networks.

We invite you to sign our petition on Change.org.
With it, you will support:

Join YYOQUE and sign the petition on Change.org today. Your voice is crucial, and together, we can make a difference that will last for generations. Family, we are in this together in this beautiful country we call home!

Justice and Respect:

We strive to end so many years of uncertainty, providing you with a fair and respectful path to regularization in this country that is now your home.

Contributions to Society:

We know that family separation hurts. A pathway to citizenship would keep families together, as they should be, in the United States.

Well-Paid Taxes:

We pay our taxes too, and we deserve the full benefits of citizenship in this country that we have contributed to building!

Essential Workers:

Many of us are essential in key sectors. It is fair that we have security and recognition for it as we continue to contribute to this land we call home.

Fundamental Human Rights:

We all deserve basic human rights, no matter where we were born, and it's time for those rights to become a reality for all immigrants in the United States.

Community Support:

Sign to show your support for your Latino brothers and sisters in the United States, demonstrating that we are a true family that takes care of each other.

Creating a Better Future:

Together, we can achieve positive change for all and build a future where we all have equal opportunities in this country we have chosen as our home.

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Join us in our mission to build a more just and compassionate society where everyone has a voice and everyone is valued.

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